Friday, March 26, 2010

A Beginning

I woke up 15 years ago. I didn't want to wake up, but I didn't have much choice about it.

In started like this.

I was lying in bed in Key West, Florida and about 1500 miles to the north my elderly father was lying in a hospital bed somewhere in New Jersey.

As I started to drift off, I heard a voice in my head saying "I'm afraid." I was startled enough to begin to wake up. I heard the voice again: "I'm afraid." And then I knew. I don't why I knew. I'd never heard voices before. But I knew then that the voice belonged to my father and I knew that he was dead.

And somehow I also knew that he was stuck. Stuck in the limbo of being dead but not being able to leave this all behind.

I don't know why I said "Dad, you have to go to the light." Why did I say that? I knew about people who'd seen the "light" in near death experiences. I'd read some Kubler-Ross. But this came spontaneously -- as though it was born in my thoughts without any prompting from me.

The voice/my father repeated: "I'm afraid."

And I knew he needed some help. So I volunteered.

"Okay Dad. I'll take you. Come...we'll go the light together."

And in my strange vision, I walked my father to the light. And when we stood there, both of us bathed in the brilliant white light, I let go of his hand and he walked in. I stood in the light for a few seconds and then came out -- returned to my bed in Key West, Florida and began to shake.

15 minutes later the phone call came: My father was dead.

Two months later I experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. But what else would you expect if you walk to the light while you're still alive? A burger and fries?


  1. Wow! What an experience. You may not realise but that was the beginning of the kundalini journey. My first experience was also of the white light gushing from above. I read in an African ladies blog that Kundalini first starts from the crown chakra and then rises upwards from the first chakra.

  2. hi, iam a 34 yr old guy living in india.about 8 years back i had a kundalini awakening and i slipped into pzychosis and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
    before the awakening i could feel that i had too many impurities and negative energies in my soul... i had gone through too much of trials and affliction,pain and suffering over a long period of time since my school days....
    my kundalini has already reached the brain without any blockages....
    the thing is my left side of the brain hemisphere is totally blocked and i have problem thinking and doing any intellectual stuff...also due to this i suffered a lot through my school and college days....

    for unknown reasons i have entangled my soul body within itself and feels very painful and weird.. as if iam trapped in this body....

    i want to know if kundalini is still working in me ,... i have been struggling a lot since my awskening process and unable to understand as to what is going on with me.... can u suggest with ur experience what exactly am i going through...
